Building a Better Customer Experience

Reading the Customer’s Voice 

Written by Grace Forelle | Jun 28, 2021 8:21:30 PM

Qortel coaches tens of thousands of calls and 70% of our feedback to phone handlers revolves around mirroring the customer.  Talk with customers the way they prefer to interact.  This involves using DISC principles but it also involves understanding the callers perspective on your marketing offer. Reading the customer’s voice is one of the most important aspects of connecting with customers over the phone. There are 5 main types of callers who we can expect to meet over the phone.

  • The Hesitator
  • The Entitled 
  • The Expert 
  • The Bully  
  • The Grump 


The Hesitator 

This customer isn’t sure about moving forward and will typically want to talk to their spouse or any other major stakeholder involved. They will need to think it over and take time before moving forward. 


The Entitled  

This customer feels like they to be prioritized. They expect special treatment as compared to other customers and their needs be the spotlight and typically has high demands. 


The Expert 

The expert pretty much knows more than you do. This customer knows everything about the industry, they may criticize things that you say or don’t do, and they definitely don’t want your advice.  


The Bully 

The bully raises their voice and tries to dominate the conversation. They make demands and are often intimidating and pushy. They won’t take no for an answer! 


The Grump 

This is the most common and frequently on the opening of the call. This customer is usually stubborn and likely skeptical of anything you say.  


Have you heard all these caller types? The good news is that while caller types may vary, there are ways to build and gain their trust with each one while doing business over the phone.